Saturday 7 November 2009

Review of Clarins Palazzo D’Oro holiday collection Part 2

Well part two’s are never as good..after having bought the two compacts I had gone back and bought the Mascara and lipstick from the holiday collection.
The mascara is a black with very faint gold shimmer (once applied its only noticeable close up) for me this mascara was so bad that I have since thrown it away. The formula was so dry, had it not been a new limited edition product I would have thought it old stock.

The lipstick when swatched in store appeared to be a really nice golden sheen. Once home and in better lighting what I actually had was a sheer wash of gold glitter, nice from a distance not so good close up. My problem with this product was that although the lipstick had a lot of slip the glitter was extremely gritty and I found it really uncomfortable to wear, this has now joined the mascara in the bin. So a bit of a wash out.

I did also pick up one of the eyeshadows from the regular collection called Chestnut Freeze and do really like the shades which is in a variation of taupe, as you can never have enough :)
Ultimately I think I need to leave alone the majority of the “normal department store” established brands (Estee Lauder, Clarins, Clinique,Lancome ) as they always seem to be a disappointment, if only they would stop having those alluring GWP events then I would be safe….


  1. Such a shame you didn't get on with it... the premise of the mascara sounded really great!

  2. Looks good, but I'm not sure their make-up products really live up to expectations ever. For skin-care, yes, but not make-up.

  3. Hi Mizzworthy,
    Yes, I am always intriqued by sparkly mascaras. I think with this collection the compacts are the way to go. Thanks for your comment.

    Hi Elise,
    I do think I will give their makeup a miss in future ! Thanks for looking at my blog.

  4. Pretty bad experience, eh? I actually have a similar mascara in blue/azure and like it very much (I only bought it for the colour, mind you, which is quite visible compared to many other coloured mascaras out there!) The lipstick does sound bad, though I have a couple of glosses and like those a lot and I think the Joli Rouge line is nice too. I agree with you, though, I think this collection is a complete miss! Forgot to say...thanks for the suggestions on my london shopping list! xx

  5. Hi Anna,
    I don't think its the brand for me really ! Hope you have a fun shopping trip, bet your list is going to get longer and longer.. x
