Saturday 19 December 2009

Le Métier de Beauté: Liberty update

After my last post on Le Métier de Beauté, where I expressed concern that Liberty may not be stocking them anymore ( they are currently exclusive to Liberty in the UK) I got an email to confirm that they were staying at Liberty and it was just the case that things were being bought so quickly that they were going out of stock. This is a relief as I really think this is a "me" brand. I should be getting some more glosses,eyeshadow,lipstick and nail varnish for Christmas, so will do a post about that. For now I am just glad I will be able to carry on buying them and am hopeful they will expand what is available on liberty.


  1. Thats great news - I hope they get better stock online for all us northeners - I'm interested in the brand, but I cant really always get down to London to have a look at it...

  2. Hi Mizzworthy,
    I mainly get my stuff online these days,its annoying you can't get cosmetics brands like Armani, Suqqu online. I think its worth you trying the brand, I get the feeling I am going to build up quite a collection :)
