Saturday 19 December 2009

Rouge Bunny Rouge, the obsession continues...

This time I got Eye Khol in shade Calypso. This is described as a Creamy metallic golden moss and I’d say the description is spot on. The texture is creamy (no tugging) has great pigmentation and lasts well throughout the day. I don’t have a eyeliner this colour so am really pleased with this and I think the shade works really well with blue eyes.
I got another Original Skin Blush; shade Delicata, which is a slightly warm rosed beige. This is such a neutral healthy looking colour it goes effortlessly with any colour combo I choose for lips/eyes.
Lastly I got a sheer lipstick in the shade Dark Juices, a cool toned plum with a silver shimmer. The sheer lipstick formula is a joy in these cold months; they feel great over chapped lips.


  1. A nice little haul you got there! I've been meaning to place another order but will wait till the new year, I'm a bit worried about the Italian postal system at this time of the year! I like the look of the pencil, though I've been telling myself I should really finish some of the ones I already have before I buy a new one...luckily, I haven't applied the same rule to blushers/lipsticks/lipglosses :))) xx

  2. Hi Mizzworthy,
    It is a really nice shade, I've been bad and ordered another RBR blusher !

    Hello Anna,
    I just sorted through all my eyeliner pencils recently, I had built up quite a collection,got rid of a load as seemed to have lots of bright greens for some strange reason xx
