Friday 19 November 2010

Chanel Ombres Contraste Duo Misty Soft

Misty Soft is my second Chanel Ombres Contraste Duo and I noticed its being promoted with this year's Holiday collection.
Each duo contains a light shimmery shade and a darker matte shade. Misty Soft (£29) contains a shimmery light mauve and a dark smokey slightly plummy brown.
The shades blends nicely and the texture is quite smooth.
I’d say the duos do not contain unique shades but offer basic neutrals . They'd probably make good presents as I think any of the colour combinations are safe, easy to wear shades.


  1. First comment this time! Misty Mauve is actually on my basics list, stuff I know I could safely wear any day, any time, but still haven't got round to buying. Have you bought anything from the actual Christmas collection? What a silly question ;))))!!! Lovely EOTD, you're unbeatable! xx
    PS: by the way, I'm still dancing...;)

  2. That looks lovely. On your eyes it reminds me of the Hourglass Exhibition duo, though obviously looks less plummy in the pan. Very nice x

  3. Now that looks really nice on your eyes. I like how the light mauve catches the light and looks natural yet softly colored kinda like a cool toned nude look which I am always a fan of.

  4. Looks very nice on you! I have this one as well. These duos are nice, basic palettes. Sometimes I like the simplicity of having only two colors to choose from.

  5. Love this product, I almost bought this duo but settled for the Gris Subtil instead, you should try that too, very flattering smokey eye material!! I thought the silvery shimmery color in that duo would be too cool for my warm and deep toned complexion, but its surprisingly flattering, really brightens up the face!! Enjoy!!

  6. This is tempting me no end...I especially love the light shimmery shade. They look lovely on you! I finally got my Chanel Splash and I think it was well worth the Boots points spent. I also had a look at the Shiseido holiday palette and have very mixed feelings about it.
    I didn't actually swatch the colours as John Lewis had the merchandise but no testers yet. What struck me was the fact that the pans are very small and (obviously) very tightly fitted into the palette and, as a consequence, I just cannot see how you can work a brush into the powder products without contaminating the cream ones (a lip colour/blusher and a liner). Also it would be virtually impossible to pick up the blusher colours individually and, even mixing them would still sweep along some of the adjacent eye shadow...big disappointment in that respect and, priced at £48 (if I remember correctly), not worth it imo...
    Have a great weekend hon!
    Nina x

  7. Hi Anna,
    Thanks, well I might have bought from the Christmas collection, would have been wrong not to ;) Lets hope we like the palettes when we get them, imagine how bad it would be if we were both "meh" on them x

    Hi Jane,
    It is similar, albeit less intense, I think you would like this duo actually, not trying to add to your list or anything... x

    Hello Olivia,
    Thank you, it is a really nice combination of colours, I really like your description.

    Hi Makeup Magpie,
    I know what you mean, some times its nice to be able to just go for something a bit simple, rather than using 4 or more shades. They are very handy to have when you just want to put something on quick without thinking about it.

    Hi Stephanie,
    I hadn't thought of that, actually Melusine is something I have on my list to buy funnily enough.

    Hi Lakshmi,
    I did almost get the Gris Subtil, it sounds lovely, I'll make sure to pick it up :) Do you have any of the other duos ?

    Hi Nina,
    Thanks. I got Splash too and I'm not to pleased with how it applies on me, I seem to have problems with blending it?
    Thanks very much for the review on the Shiseido holiday palette, I'll take that off my list! I still want to get the trio of neutral shades you have and I was also thinking about the Opera one? x

  8. I just got the Shiseido palette and I do agree somewhat with Nina's comment. The one thing I haven't been able to use is the blush/bronzer duo. The pan is tiny! I was wondering how it would be to actually use the tiny blush brush that's included. Still, I wore the e/s today and I like them!
    Back to the Chanel duos, I have not been able to spend on one of these for the price - but having said that, I do own a Le Metier de Beaute palette and one of Guerlain's 6-couleur ones!

  9. Hey! No I don't have any of the other duos, might get the Misty soft at some point though!! ;) I did however get the Holiday quad Tentation Cuivre, I like it although I prefer the US formula.. the colors are really pretty!

  10. Hi Joolz,
    I don't understand when companies make the cheek product pans so small in palettes sometimes, very annoying! The chanel duos are a bit spendy aren't they, it seems a lot of prices keep creeping up!

    Hi Lakshmi,
    I really wanted the Holiday quad, but I was not pleased with the texture/colour payoff of their quad from the fall collection so was worried this one would be the same, would you say thats the case ?

  11. Hi Replica!
    I can't really answer that question because I have the US formula Enigma (Fall) quad which I think is exceptional!! Let me know if you would like me to get you a US formula one because they are still available online at the Chanel US website, and most likely instores as well...The holiday quad is my first in the Euro/baked version and other than being more glittery than I expect of Chanel, I'm satisfied with it.The pigmentation of the lighter colors is all right but the dark chocolate brown is very pigmented. Overall the effect that is apparent is the shimmer, which is pretty, but I wouldn't say color wise it's a must-have! Nevertheless I am partial to Chanel!! :P

  12. Hi Lakshmi,
    Thanks for your thoughts on that, I think I might try and skip it, especially as I was tidying up my makeup today and its quite a scary amount when you lay it all out in front of you!
    Thanks for the offer of the US fall one,very kind of you, but I'll carry on with my sub-par euro one for now I think ;) I wonder if the move towards the euro style will be fully carried over in future collections, I know they were going to try and stop releasing different products for different countries to have it more uniform x

  13. Hehehehe!! I refrain from laying things out in front of me!! ;) But then again when you see 6 different taupe eyeshadows together you realize *how different* they really are!!! :P
    As for the formula, I sincerely hope the US formula becomes the norm rather than the Euro one, I have never found another brand that has the same glowy quality that the Chanel US eye and cheek products have!

  14. Replica, I just wanted to come back regarding the Shiseido holiday palette. I decided to take it out again since I like the way the e/s look but I had to see what I could do with the bronzer/blush. Well, I can tell you the MAC 190 contour brush works very well! The brush is able to pick up the colors easily and in fact they don't powder up so there's no mess! I'm so glad!

  15. Hi Joolz,
    See now you draw me back in :) I can't even think what the 190 looks like, I'll pop in the MAC store next week and it will let me gauge if I have something of a similar size before I start eyeing up the palette again. Thanks for letting me know your thoughts x
