Saturday 20 November 2010

Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser

In an attempt to find a cheaper alternative to my much loved Snowberry cleanser I turned to the new Eve Lom Morning Time Cleanser (£35).
The texture is quite thick but does not feel particularly grainy. This removes makeup extremely well and skin is left feeling soft with no tightness but nor with any residue.
The product comes housed in a tube, with a twistable cap that deposits the product. You apply it to dry skin, leave on for 2-3 minutes (to allow the exfoliating papaya fruit enzymes to work), then rinse it off.
It was all going so well but I started getting some lumps under my skin due to irritation. I stopped using it, waited till my skin had calmed down then went back to it and got the same issues.
Here are the ingredients:
As with all my skincare reviews I have to say that I have very acne prone/sensitive skin and in terms of the amount of skincare products I have bought over the years I have an extremely low success rate.
I do recommend this cleanser if you have skin that is either normal/combination or dry and don't have major issues with acne/sensitivity as the performance of it was impressive.
I have since given this to my mother as she has no skin problems. For cleansing I'm currently finishing off my Nude Skincare products which I'll review soon and I'm about to start using elemental herbology which I am very excited about.


  1. I have to say, what few Eve Lom things I have tried have not agreed with me at all. Even the moisturiser caused my face to sting. I'm sure the lumps you experienced will be due the papaya enzymes. It's same sort of effect you see when little people eat acidic fruits and get that red rash around their mouths. I find these sorts of fruit acids/enzymes can often cause me to get tiny raised pimples around the mouth, chin and nose.

    I'm sorry you haven't managed to find a replacement to the Snowberry. It must be really frustrating.
    Jane x

  2. Hi

    I tried the original cleanser a few times and it always left me with breakouts. I was lucky I had several large samples to try instead of spending the big bucks! The two cleansers I am really enjoying right now are: the fresh soy one I reviewed and the latest offering from Bare Minerals (purifying facial cleanser). They are both lovely. Off to send you a note x jeanie

  3. Eve Lom are pretty terrible for filling their products with pore clogging ingredients like mineral oil and, in this case, lanolin. I had the original cleanser a few years ago and had quite good skin back then, but it ended up breaking my out horribly. Such a shame - they always feel nice to use I think!

  4. Hi Jane,
    That's really interesting about acidic fruits as my little man gets the red rash round the mouth when he eats strawberries and with uncooked tomatoes, we thought it was some strange intolerance thing.You are a very useful source of knowledge! x

    Hello Jeanie,
    I'd never tried the original, sounds like a good thing I didn't. Its funny how some brands can just be completely wrong for us. I've sent you an email back x

    Hi Dinky,
    Thats really not good, its seems such a raved about range and always gets a lot of coverage, you'd expect better really.

  5. Oh yes, my brain is a veritable mine of similar gems ;). I've seen the red rash so often though! x

  6. Looking forward to your upcoming skincare reviews. I'm currently using the Emma Hardie Moringa Balm and the Vaishaly Facial Wash, and have sensitive skin that is prone to breakouts and I'm really happy with both at the moment. What a shame about Snowberry, they used to sell Vaishaly products on their website too and I see they've now removed them also.

  7. Hi Eva,
    I have been tempted by the Emma Hardie balm so may well pick that up at some point. That Vaishaly brand looks interesting, might have to have a closer look :)
