Sunday 23 February 2014

Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush: Ethereal Glow

I'm probably one of the few people who has not partaken in the craze that was the Ambient Lighting Powder flurry that spread across the beauty blogs, but even I couldn't resist the pretty marbled pattern of the Ambient Lighting Blushers.

Picking a shade was tricky, the majority looked very warm and similar. I bought Ethereal Glow (£28), the lightest and coolest toned out of the lot, but then started seeing a lot of reviews where the word chalky was going hand in hand with this particular shade.

In the compact its a mix of a sheer very cool toned pink blush with the moonlight/white glow of Ambient Lighting Powder in Ethereal Light. On swatching, it really does look chalky, but applies on me as a soft focused cool pink flush to the skin, with a satin finish.
Swatched below and then blended in

It has a a smooth texture, though it does kick off quite a bit of excess powder when applying. Whilst this applies really well and has an extremely good wear time, it doesn't sit too well on my skin as I find it drying and highlights those little fine hairs (the horror).
In terms of the finished look, due to the presence of the lighting powder, I was expecting more luminescence but this isn't the case, yes it does give a bit of brightness but not to the level I was expecting.
Not the best photo below but just to show that this does impart colour on the skin

Overall whilst the texture of this doesn't work for my dry cheek area, I do like this shade (though I think this best suited to the very fair skinned).
However, though I haven' tried the Lighting Powders, I can't help but feel that this does not replicate their attributes.

I bought this from


  1. This is pretty and natural looking, might work as an eyeshadow too. I finally checked these out in Space NK yesterday, I liked Mood Exposure and Diffused Heat and think I will purchase those at some point.

    1. I didn't think about trying it on the eye but it might work as a good all over wash :) The other shades do look very pretty, had this worked better on my skin type then I am sure I'd have picked up another shade.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about the drying aspect! I guess it's because it's got a good amount of finishing powder mixed in? I don't really have dry skin, but even then, I'm not sure I'd want to wear a drying blush formula.

    1. I think you are right, my skin doesn't usually like finishing powder so makes sense that this wasn't a love for me, probably a clear sign that I shouldn't try the Ambient Lighting Powder.

  3. So sorry to hear that it is drying on you, Clare! I love the color on your though! xo

    1. Thanks Lola, I do like the shade :) Guess its just not the best for those of us with dry skin

  4. Ah! The pale cool pink is very flattering on you. I don't think this would show up so well on my skin. I'm sorry they aren't so kind of your skin. :(

    1. Thank you, I get the feeling this wouldn't show up on a lot of people or just end up looking a bit like pale chalky strangeness. I am glad I bought just the one ;)

  5. I also have dry skin, especially on cheek area. I am thinking the wear time was really bad for me, it might be because of the drying effect? I am also not loving two that I have, using them though and they are pretty to look at this is for sure :-)

    1. Maybe my skin is so dry the pigment is clinging on for dear life making it last ;)
      Its such a shame that they are not quite what we were expecting, seems very much a love or meh product.

  6. The drying effect probably wouldn't be a problem for me, as my skin is very oily. I personally have my eyes set on Dim Diffusion and Diffused Heat!

    1. Those ones look really pretty. Yes, if you have oily skin this might well work for you :)

  7. I haven't seen these in real life yet but I think I'll pass. I have the Ambient Lighting palette and quite like it but I get the feeling these wouldn't work for me. They are pretty to look at though and this one looks so soft on you, too bad it's drying.

    1. I really wanted that palette, it seemed to sell out really quickly here, mind you I don't think the powders would work for me now having tried this.

  8. I haven't try the ambient lighting powders but I'm really tempted with the blushes, I'm sorry that their formula didn't work for you :( still, it looks very pretty on you! I have oily skin so they maybe would be ok on me but still unsure which one to get. xxx

    1. Thanks :) I think quite a lot of the shades would work well on you, swatches make them look quite similar though so it is a tricky selection to make :)

  9. The same thing happen to me with Ambient Lighting powder. So i returned it and plan not to try the blush. i have dry skin also.

    1. Thanks for the input, it really does sound like I need to give the powders a miss then, still money saved, sure I can find something else to spend it on ;)

  10. I was initially attracted to these but thankfully it is not easily available to me. I can give them a miss. I think you will like the Clinique Cheek Pops if you can find a shade suitable for you Clare.

    1. I did get caught up in the buzz of it, mind you I think its only me and a few others that don't seem to get on with them.
      I am really looking forward to the cheek pops, every review I have seen so far has been positive :)

  11. I like this product... but those ambient powder were very drying!!

    1. I think I'll definitly skip the powders if they are more drying that the blushers, such a shame as I did have high expectations.
